Better IT Solutions

Cyber Security

Concerned about the news regarding data breaches, ransomware, phishing?? What is this stuff and should I be worried? Betta Systems offers free Cyber security education to businesses under 100 people to learn what matters

Business Assessment

Dissatisfied your systems are down or your technology costs more then you want? Find your competitors have better technology which enables them to get ahead of you? Worry your business is not protected in a global connected world

What is the cloud hype and is it right for me?

Cloud simply means combining computer hardware, software, development and operations people into a solution delivered over the internet. As a business model, cloud enables you to use what you need but they are not all the same. We can help get the right solutions to take you sky high instead of rainy day (see what we did there)

Contact Us

Betta Systems is activity seeking small business clients of 10 to 100 people. Call us to hear how we can improve your IT trust, Future and satisfaction

Contact Us Now!

Systems Operations Management - IT Strategy and Planning - Business Solutions - Technology Projects

Betta Systems enables small businesses to leverage technology securely, simply and cost effectively.

403 455 3355
Calgary, Alberta